Monday, June 16, 2008

Itchy, Itchy Ichabod

Owen has had quite a bit of eczema on his arms, legs, and trunk. Yesterday he was itching his neck, there there were no signs of a rash. It seems like the cream helps a bit, but it doesn't take the eczema away. When I was driving home from the mall today he was itching the whole ride home. My heart breaks when there is nothing I can do. When we got home I gave him benadryl and rocked him for a while. Then he was fine the rest of the evening, and he didn't itch.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Left Cheek with Red Rash

Owen had a red rash on his left cheek during dinner. I didn't see him itch it. And it went away 30 minutes after eating. It never seemed to bother him. Owen ate beef, broccoli, and potato for dinner.