I want to start by recognizing my church nursery program, and how considerate they are of Owen. The nursery director called me up on Wednesday, and let me know that they are planning to have a party on Sunday with the kids, and she wants me to plan accordingly. See, in the past, Owen would regularly break out in hives when in the nursery during the church service. In order to address this problem, we not only bring in a snack for Owen, but all the kids, so that we don't have to worry about Owen coming into contact with the other kids snacks. My church is a big church, and there are many volunteers in the nursery. All the volunteers know about Owen, and his unique needs. And I am so happy that they let me know about this party, so I can plan ahead, and bring in special food. The proactive nature of their actions mean so much to me.
In other news, Owen has red, crustyness on the left side of his mouth. I have been putting antibiotic cream on it, and it is turning more brown than red. Also, his bum is all red, so we have been using the antifungal cream for that. He has had both of these problems since Friday.
1 year ago