Friday, June 12, 2009

Hive on Owen's face

Yesterday during small group, Owen got some hives, redness, and itching on his face. There was 5 kids and 1 babysitter in the basement at my house. There was no food. Owen started itching his face. I went to check on him, and I saw some hives on his face. I gave him benadryl, and the itching and hives went away in 20 minutes.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just a Heat Rash

Caroline is fine. She woke up this morning with the same bumps she had last night. There is no way that they are hives. It must be a heat rash or something. I don't care, as long as it is not hives.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yummy, Yummy Fly

Owen likes to read the book "Yummy, Yummy Fly." In the book, the fly eats pizza. Owen turns to me and says "I allergic to pizza. Pizza makes me sick. I don't eat pizza."

I started to cry.

Hives on Caroline's back?

Tonight I am sad. I think Caroline had hives after dinner.

Caroline has had red dots on her back before, but I just thought they were pimples. The spots are always on her back, and never anywhere else. Sometimes the spots may have been slightly raised. The dots are sporadic and there didn't seem to be a pattern, so I wasn't that worried.

But tonight, the spots looked liked hives. There was about 15 bumps. And now I am worried. I asked Doug to look at the spots, and he also felt like they looked like hives. I took some pictures.

Caroline ate sweet potatos, multigrain (wheat) cereal, and an apple wagon wheel. After dinner, I bathed her. It was in the bath that I noticed the raised red dots.

I am hoping that this is just a random event.