Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I have been tagged on my blog (quite exciting really!).
Here are the rules:

* Link to the person who tagged you.
* Post the rules on your blog.
* Write 6 random things about yourself.
* Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
* Let each person know you tagged them by leaving an entry on their blog.
* Let your tagger know when your entry is up on your blog.

Now, 6 random things about me:
1. I have 2 men in my life- my fabulous husband Doug, and the best little buddy, Owen
2. I only wanted to live in one place my whole life, but Doug has expanded my horizons to be a world traveler. I lived in Europe for 3 years, and each month it was our goal to visit a new location.
3. Pregnancy gives me heart burn. Otherwise, I just have a big bump on my tummy, that I forget about most of the time.
4. My mom was a nun (and yes, there are good stories ;)
5. I hate running.
6. My son's food allergies have changed my life. Owen was diagnosed with food allergies at 4 months of age. He is allergic to wheat, soy, milk, legumes, barley, peanut, sesame, garlic (which is a bigger pain than you can imagine), egg, and environmental allergies. He has contact food allergies, and reacts when I can't see any of his triggers. I am completely sympathetic to other moms with food allergic kids. I wish I could put a protective coating around Owen to protect him from this world that he is allergic too, but I so desperately am trying to integrate him into many social things as well. I hate feeling like the crazy, over protective, hypochondriac mom. My faith in God and his providence keeps me going.

Tags- Rachel's Recipe Box (I get stuck in a cooking rut so easily because of Owen's limitations. Food Allergies have take the joy out of cooking), MyKidsAllergies (I have touched by the recent bumps in the Food Allergy journey that she has shared), Food Allergy Buzz (a fabulous source on information), and Team Cress (this is my family blog, that I get to share the joys and fun in my life)


Unknown said...

Thanks for the tag! I am going to skip this time since I was just tagged recently, twice in fact. And I have just been twice again tagged in the last couple days. It's cyber-tagging gone crazy! But it was fun and it is fun to learn a little more about all these food allergy bloggers.

Take care, JenniferB

Unknown said...

I forgot to say thanks for your kind words. I really appreciate it!

Unknown said...

I found your website by doing a search on food allergy websites. My heart breaks reading your struggles right now. It takes me back to the time when my son's health was so fragile. My son too has severe food & environmental allergies and is contact sensitive. Everything would cause breathing problems, hives, and eczema. He is now 2 and we finally have him stabilized. His eczema was terrible leaving infections and scars. I hate to bother you if you have already heard of this since I know people's suggestions can sometimes be so annoying, but one of the things that helped my son's eczema clear up was wet wraps. Here is a link that gives helpful information on them We applied these three times a day, with his other treatment. Another thing that helped was shampooing all of the carpet and couches in the home to get any possible residual contaminents out of the fabrics. I hope maybe some of this could help. I will be praying for you and your family. It is all so overwhelming sometimes.

Sally JPA said...

Garlic would be a difficult one to deal with!