Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Found A Yummy Cake for Owen!!!

I am writing this post with great joy! All Owen wanted for his birthday was cake. And no matter how hard I try, I could not deliver ... until now.

I found the Whole Foods Allergy Cookbook at my library. It promised a chocolate layer cake that everyone would enjoy. It said that you won't even realize it is missing butter, wheat, and eggs. I didn't believe it.

But, despite my pessimistic attitude, I gave it a try... and it was awesome!!! Owen loves his "chocolate birthday cake." He asks for cake after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I give him a slice each time. I am just so happy that he enjoys the cake. And Doug (who is a tough cake critic) likes it too.

I am so grateful for my library for having the book available. I am so thankful for the Organic Market for carrying all the uncommon ingredients that I could not find at my grocery store.

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