Friday, December 5, 2008

Some Relief

After a few days of itching, I smothered him with steroid cream, and he is a new child. He looks so fabulous, I need to make sure I take the family Chirstmas card picture soon!!! Although his back looks awful. It is all scratched up and he has a bunch of scars. It looks like he got 40 lashes.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear the steroid cream does help clear up the eczema. My son has been secretly scratching the back of one knee till it bleeds. I don't know when he does it but he only lets me know once he's made a wound and it hurts. I hope Owen's eczema gets to be less and less as he gets a little older. The only itchy places left are behind the knees.

Katie Blanchard said...


Don't know if you remember how bad Drew's (our oldest) eczema was, but we found out 4 years ago, he has a lethal nut allergy. It presented itself with eczema, he went into shock as they tested him.
We use Dr. Banks in Annapolis, he specializes in Pediatric Allergies. He is very nice