Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I Get So Emotional

Nothing strikes my nerves like food allergies. I easily get moved to tears when...
- I arrive at church, and the children's program tells me about an activity that Owen can't do because of his allergies
- When I receive bad RAST scores
- Listening to Owen talk about his food allergies, and explain that certain foods make him sick
- Watching Owen look at food that he knows he can't touch
- When I give Owen a birthday cupcake and he doesn't want it
- When I can't find the ingredients I need for a recipe
- When I finally find the ingredients I need for a recipe
- When I get to the cash register and I realize how much those special ingredients cost (not really :)

I am so grateful that Owen has never needed an epi pen. I am so grateful for Owen's flexible personality, and how he constantly rolls with the punches. I am so grateful for my faith in a sovereign God who has all things in his control. He knows the tears I have cried, and he promises to work all things for good (Rom 8:28)

I Found A Yummy Cake for Owen!!!

I am writing this post with great joy! All Owen wanted for his birthday was cake. And no matter how hard I try, I could not deliver ... until now.

I found the Whole Foods Allergy Cookbook at my library. It promised a chocolate layer cake that everyone would enjoy. It said that you won't even realize it is missing butter, wheat, and eggs. I didn't believe it.

But, despite my pessimistic attitude, I gave it a try... and it was awesome!!! Owen loves his "chocolate birthday cake." He asks for cake after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I give him a slice each time. I am just so happy that he enjoys the cake. And Doug (who is a tough cake critic) likes it too.

I am so grateful for my library for having the book available. I am so thankful for the Organic Market for carrying all the uncommon ingredients that I could not find at my grocery store.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

RAST Results

These are not the numbers I was praying for. I continue to trust God. I know God is in charge, and he always gives me what I need. I don't know why that includes allergies, but I trust his plan.

Milk 77.08 (was 20.52 in 01/09, 11.9 in 07/08 and 3.26 in 01/08)

Egg 21.73 (was 11.7, 8.93, 1.46)

Peanut 22.87 (was 13.32, 9.19, 6.81)

Almond 0.35

Hazelnut 5.16

Pecan 11.1

Cashew 10.3

Pistachio 9.36

Sesame 15.6 (was 15.8)

Garlic 8.21 (was 10.7)

White bean 1.75

Lentil 1.14 (was 2.12)

Chick pea 0.5 (was 0.92)

Barley 29.2 (was 43.3)

Wheat 68.8 (was 86.2)




After talking with Dr. Wood's office, they said I could try crabs & shrimp since Owen is 3 years old. I don't think I will. If I do, and he becomes allergic, then I will blame myself. I will wait until Owen is interested in crabs, and then we will try.