Friday, January 23, 2009

So The World May Know

I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at least once a day when I was pregnant. Last year I learned that those sandwiches may have contributed to Owen developing allergies. Needless to say I am very mad at peanuts. I do not tolerate any kind of nuts in my home. Someone threw out a peanut candy bar wrapper in my garbage can, and that was not acceptable. The trash needed to be thrown out immediately.

I hope the salmonella scare that is happening with peanut butter makes people realize how difficult it is to avoid peanuts. It is in everything! All my favorite snacks were made in a factory with other peanut products. Check out those labels- peanuts have infiltrated every part of your pantry. Some think that it is easy to avoid foods that you are allergic too, but I hope that this salmonella scare will open the eyes of some.

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