Thursday, August 26, 2010

"I don't really like Ice cream."

Today Owen and I were food shopping. I found some chocolate soy ice cream, and he was excited. A little bit later, we walked by chocolate soy milk. He begged to buy some. I told him he had to choose between the chocolate soy milk or the ice cream. Owen said "I want chocolate soy milk. I don't really like cream." The comment made me sad. Who doesn't love ice cream? I'm sad that soy ice cream is not as good as the real thing.

In the end, he has the healthiest diet in the world! I refer to his diet as the Daniel diet (from the book of Daniel in the Bible). I am so glad that Owen doesn't complain. I can't wait until he is older, and he can express his thoughts and feelings more. I wonder what is going inside his cute, little head.

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