Saturday, August 7, 2010

Play Doh Experiment

Owen played with play doh when he was 2 years old, and broke out in hives. In the past year, Owen did a pasta craft and held a piece of bread while feeding a duck. With these 2 successes, I wanted to try play doh again.

On Thursday, Owen played with play doh for 1 hour without any problems. I was so excited. On Friday, Owen played with play doh for about 45 minutes without any problem. On Saturday, Owen played with play doh for 2 hours. Most of the time was unsupervised because we had a guy giving us a window replacement estimate. After 2 hours, his eyes started getting itchy, red, and swollen. I washed him up, and avoided giving him Benadryl, just to see if he can improve without intervention. But about 1 hour later, it was nap time, and he had hives on his arms and legs, and was uncomfortable, so I gave him Benadryl.

It was very frustrating to see him have a reaction. After Thursday's success, I thought we a breakthrough. I guess it is good news that it took 2 hours to have a reaction. Ugh.

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