Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hives after bathtime

Owen ate beef, rice, carrots, and broccoli tonight. After eating for 30 minutes he started to rub his face. It was time for bedtime, so I just brought him upstairs. During bath time, which was very short, I didn't notice any problems. When I was putting on his eczema cream, I notice some redness under his right arm. I decided to get some more cream and I realized there were 7 hives and redness under his arm. At that point he started itching. I gave him some benadryl. I didn't notice the hives until 1 hour after he ate. It might have been something I ate and then I kissed him. I don't know. That is the most frustrating thing about this whole experience.

I talked to Kim from Dr. Woods office today. She asked me if he is showing any signs of asthma yet. I was discouraged by the question, even though I have been warned that Owen has a 100% chance of getting asthma. She said that asthma is SO much better than eczema because it is easier to control with medicine. Eczema is unpredictable and difficult to manage. Kim said she would take asthma any day over eczema. I was quite surprised by the conversation.

Kim was also very impressed with how well Owen takes Nasonex. She said she never heard of a toddler tolerating the Nasonex. She said they always need to give Claritin or Zyrtec. I am so proud of Owen and how well he tolerates all his medicine. Thank God!!

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