Monday, August 25, 2008

Owen's Face is Red, Splotchy, and Swollen

Last night Owen's face was slightly red and splotchy. He had a hamburger for dinner. Owen's face was red enough that I decided to give him some benadryl before bed.

Today when he woke up from his nap his face was red and splotchy. It improved after 45 minutes. After dinner, his face became red, splotchy, and slight swollen. I gave him some benadryl. He did have a beef hot dog for lunch and dinner, and he had strawberries for dinner.

I also want to note that Owen has been fighting a fungal infection in his diaper area, so I don't know if that is kicking his immune system into high gear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Was he itchy too? Poor guy. You mentioned the fungal infection and whether that was getting hi immune system going. I can tell you that when my peanut allergic son gets sick or feels under the weather, it definitely aggravates his eczema. Of course, that just makes the little guy feel worse! It must be SO uncomfortable. Hope Owen is doing better today.